MONitoring and Assessing prevention and restoration soLutIons to combat deSertificAtion

Start date: 01/09/2024

Duration: 48 months

Topic: HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-04

Total budget: EUR 7 325 993,75


The main goal of MONALISA is promotion of innovative solutions to prevent and reverse land degradation and desertification (LDD) and highlighting their socio-economic and environmental benefits. Using a transdisciplinary approach, MONALISA integrates scientific and local knowledge from social learning spaces involving multi-sector stakeholders and researchers. The project will be implemented in six Mediterranean case studies across Italy, Spain, Greece, Tunisia, and Palestine, representing different levels of aridity. A key output will be a multi-modular Decision Support System (DSS) with web-based tools leveraging remote sensing and AI. MONALISA also emphasizes business opportunities, public-private investments, and market-driven, sustainable solutions to support economic growth in drylands.


Promote of innovative solutions to combat land degradation and desertification (LDD)
Integration of scientific and local knowledge through transdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach
Implemented in 6 Mediterranean case studies with various aridity levels
Testing and scaling the innovative and traditional solutions to prevent LDD
Development of web-based Decision Support System (DSS) utilizing remote sensing and AI technologies to support sustainable land management
Promotion of new business opportunities and investments in sustainable solutions for Mediterranean drylands
Promotion of sustainable practices adoption to prevent LDD while supporting economic resilience in drylands


In MONALISA project InoSens is the lead partner for development and execution of dissemination, exploitation and communication plan, and coordinator for the transfer of MONALISA technology and solutions to market, as well as growth and sustainability of developed and identified solutions.