Smart Farming Simulation Platform
Start date: 01/01/2017
Duration: 30 months
Topic: ICT-24-2016 – Gaming and gamification
Total budget: EUR 1 270 500
GATES will develop a serious game-based training platform, in order to train professionals across the agricultural value chain on the use of Smart Farming Technologies (SFT), thus allowing deploying its full economic and environmental potential in European agriculture.
The project will provide the farmer community, agronomical students, extension services and the SFT industry sales force an easy to use and understand gaming experience that will allow a first approach to the concept of SFT, their uses, available equipment and simulation on the adoption of such technologies.
GATES will develop a near-to-market (TRL7) serious game-based training platform that, through the use of a range of gaming technologies (3D scenarios, interactive storytelling, modeling and data), will train professionals and other stakeholders in the value chain in the use of SFT. GATES will develop a cross-platform (Desktop/Mobile/Web) serious gaming available for Android, iOS and Windows featuring online and offline synchronized modes.
The project will run for 30 months and will be implemented by a consortium of 5 partners: Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Greece, InoSens Doo Novi Sad (INOSENS), Serbia, KUNST-STOFF GMBH (kunst-stoff), Germany, Iniciativas Innovadoras (INI), Spain and Asociación Nacional de Maquinaria Agropecuaria, Forestal y de Espacios Verdes (ANSEMAT), Spain.
InoSens is overall responsible for user requirements definitions, and is the partner in charge for the validated learning process, setting up the experimentation framework hypothesis and metrics. Three game experiments (validated learning cycles) will be conducted over a period of 15 months to validate each of the three Minimum Viable Game versions. The goal is to further improve the core gameplay experience, as well as to ensure that players understand the game mechanics.
InoSens will lead the validation process in Serbia, targeting advisory services, agricultural consultants and the farming community; moreover, upon completion of the validation cycles in Greece, Spain, and Serbia, InoSens will provide overall recommendations for the technical development and commercial exploitation of the game.