From the 29th of January till the 2nd of February, the General Assembly and Multi-Actor Community Meeting of the UPSCALE project took place at the Imperial Resort Beach Hotel in Entebbe, Uganda.
About the project
UPSCALE aims to take key steps to realize the transformative potential of push-pull technology, to address food security, livelihoods, and climate change resilience in the sub-Saharan region of East Africa, while reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices. For this, it fosters the design, adaptation and adoption of strategies for integrated agroecological management based on push-pull technology for widespread and climate-resilient sustainable intensification.
The General Assembly and Multi-Actor Community Meeting
In order to ensure close collaboration and timely preparation of periodic results, the 17 project partners of UPSCALE, led by the host National Agricultural Research Organisation – NARO, organized meetings which served as vital forums for discussion, coordination, and decision-making. Through these channels, partners exchanged ideas and revised strategies for further project development and implementation.
Our colleague, project manager, Jelena Đokić traveled to Entebbe, Uganda where she attended these events and represented InoSens’s current plan for Communication and Dissemination activities in the UPSCALE project. Jelena introduced the development of these activities, including the refinement of specific goals for target groups and the plan’s implementation timeline.
Between the meetings, the consortium had a chance to visit fields and farmers, to take a closer look at the processes and plants and also to use the opportunity to talk about the challenges with the farmers.
Closing remarks: Reflecting on the Pathway
Ms. Stella Adur, a Research Officer at NARO attached to the National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) emphasized push-pull technology’s role in effectively managing Striga weed, fall armyworm and stemborers, while simultaneously enhancing soil fertility.
Mr Steven Magume, a Principal Skills Development and Extension Officer at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF), highlighted the pressing issue of climate change and its profound impact on agriculture. He emphasized how embracing Push-Pull can be in mitigating the challenges posed by climate change.
Enjoy the photo gallery and visit https://upscale-h2020.eu/ for more information.