WATERAGRI is an H2020 48-month Research and Innovation project which started on May 1st, 2020, coordinated by Lund University. The project is about researching the new frontiers in integrated water resources management of small agricultural catchments to improve both European agricultural production and the status of local ecosystems.

The successful Kick-Off Meeting took place on May 11th–13th, 2020 virtually hosted by Lund University, with over 60 attendees representing the WATERAGRI consortium!

The three days of the KoM were dedicated to illustrate objectives and expected results of the project. This important meeting represented an opportunity for the Work Packages leaders to organise and plan the work with the other partners, taking into account the important work to develop. In fact, the main aims of the project are to re-introduce and enhance sustainable solutions for water retention and nutrient recycling to enable agricultural production that can sustain growing populations and cope with present and future climate change challenges. During the project lifespan, 10 case studies will be provided: 2 in Finland, 1 in Sweden, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Hungary.

The WATERAGRI consortium consists of a group of 23 partners from 12 European countries who teamed up under the lead of Lund University (Sweden). Among the partners, there are 4 water retention and 3 nutrient capture world-leading experts, from prominent European water and soil research institutions and centers as well as international experts on stakeholder engagement and communication.

InoSens is leading Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation of the project and we will keep you updated about all interesting facts that the project delivers!

The WATERAGRI project is funded by the European Union and the Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement No. 858735, with a total budget of €7.000.000.