Horizon Europe is the new 7-year European Union scientific research programme by the European Commission. With a proposed budget of 100 billion euro, Horizon Europe aims to strengthen the EU’s...
In the past 2 months, nihub has been co-organizing a series of innovative activities with Privredna Komora Srbije (Serbian Chamber of Commerce). In order to build bridges between startups...
ENVISION is an H2020 36-month Research and Innovation project which started on September 1st, 2020, coordinated by DRAXIS ENVIRONMENTAL SA. The project aims to fulfil the need for continuous...
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work....
STARTUP3 wants only the best for its innovators, so we are looking for corporates and investors to join the STARTUP3 Corporate and Investors Pool! Large firms have numerous advantages...
WATERAGRI is an H2020 48-month Research and Innovation project which started on May 1st, 2020, coordinated by Lund University. The project is about researching the new frontiers in integrated...
Zajednička poljoprivredna politika (ZPP) je jedna od najstarijih i najvažnijih politika Evropske unije. ZPP je kao projekat pokrenuta 1962. godine sa ciljem da osigura snabdevanje evropskih građana hranom, kao...
The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis’ – one brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the...
Srbija važi za malu zemlju koja ima veoma dobar startap ekosistem i prema najnovijim istraživanjima nalazi se na najvažnijoj svetskoj startap mapi. Ipak, ukoliko tek pokrećete biznis i ulazite...
Are you fantasising about starting your own business, or have you already done it and don’t know what to do next? Need inspiration and support? Want to learn something...