Srbija važi za malu zemlju koja ima veoma dobar startap ekosistem i prema najnovijim istraživanjima nalazi se na najvažnijoj svetskoj startap mapi. Ipak, ukoliko tek pokrećete biznis i ulazite...
Are you fantasising about starting your own business, or have you already done it and don’t know what to do next? Need inspiration and support? Want to learn something...
The STARTUP3 Kick-Off Meeting took place on the 16th and 17th of January in Novi Sad, Serbia, where seven partners from five European countries gathered to discuss in person...
The WATERAGRI project is about researching the new frontiers in integrated water resources management of small agricultural catchments to improve both European agricultural production and the status of local...
Vi ste startup, malo/srednje preduzeće, istraživač ili inovator i želite da se razvijate uz pomoć velikih kompanija iz Evrope, a samim tim i da sarađujete sa njima? Novi projekat...
The Stakeholder Forum takes its place from the 13th of November till the 15th of November in Madrid, Spain. This year’s event is focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Digital...
Have you heard about a premier platform for companies to exhibit, network and engage in debate? The 3rd edition of the Conference called Future is now – Malta A.I....
During the last weekend of September, Vojvodina ICT Cluster and InoSens had the pleasure of welcoming the Block.IS Cluster Mission Novi Sad participants! Clusters are crucial for the Block.IS...
InoSens participates in kick-off meeting of new EU project for boosting blockchain technology adoption in finance, logistics and agrifood sectors The European Union has just granted funding for the...
Over the past 30 months, the European Research and Innovation H2020 project RECAP – “Personalised Public Services in Support for the implementation of the Common Agriculture Policy” intensively researched...